Gylfie599's avatar


Why Hello Gorgeous~
18 Watchers144 Deviations


Happy holidays from deviantART!

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through dA, Not a troll was stirring, nor Grinch in his sleigh. Deviations were hung in digital Galleries with care, In hopes that +Favourites soon would be there. The n00bs were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of Daily Deviations danced in their heads. And Fella in his 'kerchief, and spyed ( with his night-light, Had just settled down to log-off for the night, When over in the Forums there arose such a clatter, Fella sprang back online to see what was the matter. To the browser window he flew like a flash, Tore open the tabs and refreshed the cache. When what to his art-loving ey


5407 deviations

New Username Symbols

As part of our ongoing process to make the user experience cleaner and more intuitive, we've launched a new set of username symbols designed to help easily identify deviant-types. Easily Identifiable At a glance, the new symbols are quickly recognizable. When hovering over a username symbol, a tooltip appears, providing a brief explanation of that user's deviant-type. If clicked, a modal appears, giving a brief explanation for each username symbol, with "Learn more" links that lead to more detailed explanations. A word from Heidi: Over the years, a few things have come to seem like deviantART mainstays. Deviant green, intricate art categori


2452 deviations
The Royal Garden


1219 deviations

Happy holidays from deviantART!

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through dA, Not a troll was stirring, nor Grinch in his sleigh. Deviations were hung in digital Galleries with care, In hopes that +Favourites soon would be there. The n00bs were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of Daily Deviations danced in their heads. And Fella in his 'kerchief, and spyed ( with his night-light, Had just settled down to log-off for the night, When over in the Forums there arose such a clatter, Fella sprang back online to see what was the matter. To the browser window he flew like a flash, Tore open the tabs and refreshed the cache. When what to his art-loving ey

Journals, Short Stories and Poems

1171 deviations
Light of Winter

Mystical Creatures

59 deviations
Unlikely Pair

Fairy Tail

150 deviations

Legend of Zelda

35 deviations
The True Trio


38 deviations